
Through continuous, dedicated strives it is our ongoing aim to lessen our overall impact on the environment. It is clear to us that we have a responsibility that goes beyond legal and regulatory requirements and we must take it upon ourselves to make a sustainable change.


Annual Green Weeks are planned in Eurostyle, whereby all staff are encouraged to go beyond and exceed their normal environmentally friendly practices. With themes and activities organised throughout the week, all with sustainable living in mind, it is a fun, involved initiative aimed at improving and normalising sustainable living.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a motto that we continuously abide by in Eurostyle through various policies and strategies:

Waste Recycling

We have a number of different initiatives aimed at using and disposing of our waste sustainably. Recycling bins are located throughout the company, separating recycling and normal refuse. Employees are encouraged to reuse paper by printing double-sided when possible. Furthermore, ‘Think Before You Print’ is a slogan that resulted from our paper-saving initiative, whereby we encourage employees to only print when absolutely necessary.


Hazardous Waste

We have recycling bins located at collection points throughout the factory for the recycling of ink cartridges and batteries, with the latter being in aid of the LauraLynn children’s hospice.  




All of the cardboard we use in Eurostyle is made from 65% recyclable material. In order to reduce waste, we have a policy to reuse cardboard boxes where practicable. In cases where reuse is not an option, we have an in-house cardboard crusher. This crushes and compresses all waste cardboard, which is then tightly packed together to be disposed of.



With our large warehouse and numerous offices, we use a lot of energy in our daily work. Therefore, we are constantly brainstorming and implementing fresh energy saving initiatives to reduce our energy consumption. We carefully monitor our electricity usage every month to ensure we are staying on track with our energy saving schemes.


 LED lights have replaced every light in the building.

Alongside saving energy by using LED lighting,

making a conscious effort to turn unneeded lights off

has become a company norm. 


Panels have been installed on the roof of our warehouse,

providing us with natural light. This has greatly helped us

reduce our energy consumption.

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